Stop the Virus

What You Need To Know About Coronavirus?

The newly identified coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by a virus calles SARS-CoV 2. First identified in China in December 2019, COVID-19 has infected more

than a million people around the world. While this coronavirus is new, it is not the only coronavirus. Coronaviruses were first identified in 1960s.

Olivia Warner

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Latest Information on COVID-19

Helping You and Your Family Through COVID-19

Get the latest information on the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), learn how to protect yourself and take advantage of our convenient services.

Epidemiological Update

Wordlwide Situation Update

Since December 31, 2019, and as of April 14, 2020, 1 812 734 cases of COVID-19 (in accordance with the applied case definitions and testing strategies in the affected countries) have been reported, including 113 675 deaths.

Affected Countries
Coronavirus Cases
Total Recovered
Total Deaths

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張偉勝 , 11歲

張偉勝 , 11歲

“在現代教育體係發達的社會裡,許多的家長都非常注重孩子的課業及學習是否能跟上老師和其他學生的腳步,因此現代許多的 孩子們都面對著一個相同的情況,那就是——補習!也因為如此,今年就讀五年級的張偉勝同學他也逃脫不了這場“遭遇”。雖然偉勝的母親知道孩子學習方面都不錯,但還是希望找出一些可以讓孩子更容易明白及吸收的學習方式,讓他在課業上的學 習能更加有效。因此,偉勝同學便在母親的帶領下一起來到INBORN CODE SDN BHD進行了專業的皮紋分析,以得知最適合 自己的學習方式以及學習特質。在得到分析報告及講解後的偉勝母親 也對此給予了好評。”

陳杏樂 , 5歲 陳紹峰 , 2歲

陳杏樂 , 5歲 陳紹峰 , 2歲

“作為一個兩個孩子的母親,何思潔女士也和孩子一起在INBORN CODE SDN BHD 做了DERMATOGLYPHICS ANALYSIS這個測試。通過這個測試,何女士表示她最大的收穫就是讓她更加了解如何去跟孩子更好地溝通和接觸, 也知道孩子們本身的弱點跟強項在哪一方面。我們專業的分析師也提供了一些方法給予何女士讓她更加的有效去輔 助孩子。何女士也表示這個分析給了她很多的收穫及方向。”

林添偉 , 1歲

林添偉 , 1歲

李女士是一個一歲兩個月男孩的母親,她也讓她的兒子,林添偉在INBORN CODE SDN BHD做了 DERMATOGLYPHICS ANALYSIS 這個測試。通過這個報告,她清楚地了解到添偉在哪一個方面的強項以及弱點。這個報告也更好的幫助她如何去引導及教導孩子來加強他的強項及輔助他的弱點。這個報告也測試他對音樂天分很 好及有良好的自我管理能力,所以李女士表示這個報告對她很有幫助,也謝謝她的顧問—淑賢那麼細心講解。

郭安琪 , 18歲

郭安琪 , 18歲

“感謝INBORN CODE,幫助我在大學專業抉擇中找到了確定的方向及適合我自己的學習方式。”

COVID-19 Victims

How to Protect Yourself

Imagine living in a world where you don't feel safe, and every day is a challenge to survive. There are regions where people do live like this, unfortunately. We highly recommend you follow these rules.


Frequently Asked Questions

After COVID-19: Olivia Warner's Advice for Patients Who Recover from Coronavirus

According to the CDC, older adults and people with serious chronic medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease or diabetis, seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19.

According to the CDc older adults and people with serious chronic medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease or diabetis, seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19.

According to the CDC, older adults and people with serious chronic medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease or diabetis, seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19.

According to the CDC, older adults and people with serious chronic medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease or diabetis, seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19.